Statement for Hummm
Hummm— a word that elicits sound and somatic reverberation—brings together three physical materials: clay, wood, and glass. Two more key, and often overlooked materials are also present: the body of the viewer and the impact of this moment in time. These five elements combine to produce an alchemy of sorts, and a type of resonance that is at once transformative and elemental.
Using the tactile language of the natural world, Hummm is a kind of embodied force of the ecofeminine. She is a shapeshifter, eluding and transient, who holds the viewer between the dichotomies of hard and soft, strong and gentle, and cycles of creation and destruction.
Hummm draws on the felt state where these forces unfold and activate. She opens herself physically and visually around the viewer, giving an embrace that holds the potential for something new to emerge.